Vietnam’s wood industry seeks to ensure self-sufficiency in domestic materials

Vietnam's wood industry seeks to ensure self-sufficiency in domestic materials

Promoting domestic production of wood materials plays an important role in minimising instabilities related to wood imports for processing in the future, said insiders.

During a webinar on Russia-Ukraine conflict and latent impact on Vietnam’s wood industry held by the Vietnam Timber and Forest Products Association and Forest Trends on March 9, participants said the supply of wood materials from Russia to Vietnam is small, and the future fall of the supply source would not have a direct impact on the Vietnamese wood sector.

Besides, Russia is not a large importer of Vietnam’s wood products, so the decrease in demand in this market in the future will not create considerable negative impacts for Vietnam, they said.

Participants, however, said that the Russia-Ukraine tension will likely cause a shrink in terms of wood material supply from Russia, triggering a global shortage of wood materials in the future.

The shortage can make a competition between countries importing wood materials, including Vietnam because the Southeast Asian country depends on imported wood materials.

Vietnamese enterprises may have to compete fiercely with companies in other countries on wood material import, especially in important markets supplying wood materials for Vietnam like the EU and the US, said To Xuan Phuc from Forest Trends.

According to Vo Quang Ha, general director of Tan Vinh Cuu JSC, his firm has imported wood materials from Russia since 2000.

In the context of the ongoing Russia – Ukraine conflict, the firm’s import of wood materials from the EU will be affected, Ha said.

Vu Hai Bang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Woodsland JSC, said to deal with difficulties facing the wood industry, it is necessary to maintain, protect and develop the domestic wood supply in both quantity and quality.

The Government should have policies to promote the planting of large-timber forests, and encourage wood processing enterprises to invest in plantation areas, experts said.

Source: Nhan Dan Online