Vietnam reports one imported COVID-19 on October 22 morning

One imported case of COVID-19 was confirmed on the morning of October 22, raising the national count to 1,145.

The latest case was a 29-year old Vietnamese man who returned from Angola and was quarantined upon arrival at Van Don airport in the northern province of Quang Ninh on October 20, according to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

As of 6 am on October 22, Vietnam had recorded 691 locally-transmitted cases. The country has entered the 50th straight day without new COVID-19 infections within the community.

Among the active patients, 10 have tested negative for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 once, three twice, and five thrice. There are no patients in critical conditions.

Up to 1,046 out of 1,145 patients have been given the all-clear. The fatalities stand at 35.

More than 13,650 people who had close contact with COVID-19 patients or came from pandemic-hit areas are now under health monitoring nationwide.

Source: Nhan Dan Online