Students begin to register for high school graduation exams

 All students nationwide have begun to register for the 2021 national high school graduation exams and apply for university entrance admission from today April 27.

According to guidance from the Ministry of Education and Training, candidates will register for the exams from April 27 to May 11, providing information regarding their personal information, exam subjects, and aspirations for admission to universities and colleges.

After May 11, candidates will be not allowed to change any information about their registered exams and subjects.

Students must have an ID card when registering for the graduation exams. They can choose to register online or manually fill out the registration forms.

The Ministry of Education and Training has also established an information system to support candidates, which will be opened from April 27 to August 20 via the email address

Candidates can also call 024.32181386 from April 27 to May 11 and from July 6 – 9.

Source: Nhan Dan Online