Sculpture exhibition celebrates spring of the country

A sculpture exhibition entitled ‘Spring of the Country’ opened in Hanoi on January 28 to welcome the 13th National Party Congress, the 91st founding anniversary of the Party, and New Year 2021.

The exhibition displays 36 sculptures by 29 artists in different ages and styles.

The works focused on assorted topics on the Party and Uncle Ho, which can be seen through ‘The Party and Mother’ by Pham Xuan Thi, ‘President Ho Chi Minh 1890-1969’ by Vuong Hoc Bao, and ‘Spring in 1975’ by Tran Tia, and social issues, such as in ‘Gift of the Sea’ by Hoang Mai Thiep, and ‘Comrades’ by Vu Huu Nhung.

The sculptors also present the changes in nature and people’s lives when spring and Tet (Lunar New Year) festival come, reflected in ‘The Spring’s Dance’ by Tran Viet Ha and ‘A Rowing Competition’ by Ninh Thi Den.

The exhibition aims to inspire and nurture people’s trust and pride in the Party and President Ho Chi Minh as well as spark their hopes for a bright future for the country.

The event will run until February 28 at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum, 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi.

Works on display at the exhibition.

Source: Nhan Dan Online