Online platform launched to promote roof-top solar power

The Southern Power Corporation under the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) on September 9 launched the online EVNSOLAR platform for roof-top solar power at

EVNSOLAR provides comprehensive solutions for potential investors, including both households and enterprises, in developing rooftop solar power.

Thanks to the platform, customers will have easier access to prestigious contractors who can offer reasonable prices, as well as banks and financial organisations who provide credit support solutions for installing rooftop solar systems.

The contractors joining the platform must commit to providing products and services meet the quality of German evaluation standards.

In the coming time, the platform will be developed mobile applications and its tools and technologies will be further improved to promote connection and interaction among users.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, General Director of Southern Power Corporation Nguyen Phuoc Duc, expressed his hope that the EVNSOLAR platform will contribute to the development of root-top solar power, thus promoting the use of renewable energy and protecting the environment.

Over the past several years, the Government has developed many policies to encourage the development of renewable energy, including solar energy in general and roof-top solar energy in particular.

As of the beginning of September 2020, nearly 50,000 roof-top solar power projects have been installed and put into operation nationwide with total capacity of approximately 1,200 MWp.

Source: Nhan Dan Online