Nationwide response to Lunar New Year tree planting campaign

The Da Nang Municipal People’s Committee launched the Lunar New Year 2021 tree planting campaign on February 21, as part of the nation’s efforts to plant one billion trees within the five years from 2021-2025 at the call of the Prime Minister.

Addressing the event, Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee Ho Ky Minh reported that the central coastal city has planted about 13,250 scattered trees and 200,000 native trees since early 2020.

* From now until 2025, Lao Cai Province’s Muong Khuong District strives to plant 500 hectares of anise in the communes of Ta Ngai Cho, Pha Long and Tung Chung Pho. The cultivation area includes 350 hectares planned for forestry and 150 hectares to be converted from low-productivity corn growing land to anise farming.

* According to the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, provincial road management authorities and transport departments are planning to plant more than 10,000 green trees along the National Highways in February, thus contributing to protecting the environment and minimising losses caused by traffic accidents.

* The logistics department of Military Zone 4 has directed its affiliated units to implement the tree planting campaign on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2021, with nearly 10,000 new trees, including both fruit trees and timber trees, having been planted.

* On February 21, the central province of Binh Dinh launched a tree planting festival, targeting to plant 5,000 trees in cultural-sports facilities, rural roads and at schools.

Binh Dinh leaders planting trees at Nhon Phuc Sports Complex in An Nhon Town, Binh Dinh Province. (Photo: VNA)

* Subordinate units under the Vietnam Coast Guard High Command have simultaneously launched the Lunar New Year tree planting movement, with 2,615 new trees grown by the Coast Guard Region 1 High Command, 1,750 trees by the Coast Guard Region 2 High Command, and 150 by the Coast Guard Region 4 High Command.

* Affiliated agencies and units of the Military Command of Phu Yen Province recently planted over 1,000 trees of various types around their barracks and training arenas in response to the Lunar New Year tree planting campaign.

* An Giang Province’s border guard forces have planted about 2,000 new trees and 500 sovereignty trees in border areas, contributing to affirming the fatherland’s sacred territorial sovereignty.

The Lunar New Year tree planting festival was first launched by Uncle Ho in the spring of 1960. Since then, the campaign has become a fine tradition of the entire Party, people and army every spring, aiming to maintain a healthy environment for the people and future generations.

Source: Nhan Dan Online