Medical supplies added to national reserve

NDO – On September 15, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly passed a draft resolution to add medical supplies and equipment to the list of national reserve products.

The Government has been assigned to detail the items of medical supplies and equipment and assign these to ministries and branches for management.

According to Finance Minister Dinh Tien Dung, in the face of the complicated and unpredictable COVID-19 epidemic, the current sources of medical supplies and equipment at medical facilities are not enough to meet the demand.

However, according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 27 of the National Reserve Law, the list of national reserve products includes 12 commodity groups, in which there is no group of medical supplies and equipment.

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Financial and Budgetary Affairs Nguyen Duc Hai agreed with the above proposal.

He suggested that after the resolution was passed, the Government must promptly issue a guiding document detailing the list of medical supplies and equipment to be added to the national reserve.

Source: Nhan Dan Online