Many prospects promote tourism development between Russia and Vietnam

Many prospects promote tourism development between Russia and Vietnam

 The third tourism forum between Saint Petersburg and Vietnam took place in the Russian city on May 17, in both online form and face-to-face, as part of activities under the framework of “Vietnamese days in Saint Petersburg”.

The forum attracted a large number of representatives from the tourism industry of Vietnam and Russia. Besides, with the desire to innovate tourism products for Russian tourists, representatives of Lao’s Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism were also invited to the event.

Speaking at the forum, representative of the Embassy of Vietnam in Russia, Vietnam’s Trade Counsellor in this country Duong Hoang Minh, said that despite their great efforts, Vietnam and Russia have not yet taken advantage of the potential to develop and attract tourists from Vietnam to Russia. He suggested the Russian government consider exempting visas for Vietnamese tourists for 15 days, in the context that Russia has exempted visas for visitors from Laos and Thailand for 30 days.

Deputy Director General of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) Nguyen Le Phuc said that Vietnam has simplified many procedures to attract tourists to Vietnam, including Russian tourists, such as visa exemption for different periods, and the gradual simplification or removal of quarantine measures.

Nguyen Le Phuc said that organising the event showed the two sides’ determination to promote tourism after the pandemic, expressing his belief that the number of tourists to each country will increase in the coming time.

At this 3rd forum, once again both Russia and Vietnam emphasized the need and desire for a direct flight from Vietnam to the northern ancient capital of Russia, meeting the needs of Vietnamese tourists. For which the city of Saint Petersburg is a particularly cherished destination.

The representative from the Lao’s Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism affirmed his desire to develop tours from Russia to Vietnam and Laos.

Source: Nhan Dan Online