Job creation in Hanoi reaches 112% of yearly plan

Hanoi has created jobs for 179,648 workers in 2021, achieving more than 112% of the year’s plan thanks to the implementation of numerous solutions during the year, according to the Hanoi Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

Of the total, more than 111,000 jobs were generated through job counselling and introduction services and 52,400 jobs were created through preferential loans for job generation, and others.

The high rate of job creation has helped Hanoi maintain an unemployment rate in urban areas below 4% in 2021 despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the number of jobs decreased by 1,000compared to 2020 and by 11,237 compared to 2019.

It is forecast that labourers in Hanoi will be able to access seasonal job opportunities and opportunities at craft villages easily during the period before the Lunar New Year 2022.

Source: Nhan Dan Online