Hungarian artist with a great passion for Vietnam’s trees

 Among her paintings, Hungarian painter Ory Anna-Maria, who is living in Vietnam, has always looked on trees with a great passion.

Ory Anna-Maria’s 10 paintings, which were showcased at an exhibition in Hanoi in October on the occasion off the 70th anniversary of Hungary – Vietnam diplomatic ties, featured many trees, including a pine tree from Hungary and nine others highlighting the trees of Hue City.

She granted an interview to the Thoi Nay (Present Times) Publication of Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, sharing on her love for trees, especially those of Vietnam.

Reporter: How did your love and passion for local people and trees in Hue come to you?

Painter Ory Anna-Maria: After Hanoi overcame the first COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, I went to Hue City and stayed there for some time. My boyfriend is also an artist living in the central city. He was the reason for my trip and stay in Hue. I have gradually grown to love this wonderful land and I have found many special trees. For example, I was fascinated by a pine tree in Hue and it has become a “character” in my painting. The small tree tightly embraced the old wall despite changes in the wall’s appearance. The tree grew and its canopy reached higher than ever, almost like it was protecting the wall. It symbolises an admirable love.

Reporter: In addition to “tree characters” in Hue, what else influenced you regarding your paintings at this exhibition?

Painter Ory Anna-Maria: I was also attracted by trees in Lang Co town. When I went to the locality, I saw a pine tree “dancing” in the wind so I felt moved and I then remembered the pine trees of Hungary. I then drew both Vietnamese and Hungarian pine trees side by side. They can “talk” and “connect” with each other. In addition, I drew the wall and their interaction both in terms of time and colour. I also painted West Lake in Hanoi during social distancing time. At that time, I had the opportunity to observe a different aspect of the capital city. I love Hanoi because of both its dynamic life, energy and tranquility.

Reporter: During the COVID-19 outbreak, you could not return to Hungary. Do you miss the feeling of your homeland?

Painter Ory Anna-Maria: I am now completely comfortable living in Vietnam. I love this country as well as its people and trees. I can live in both countries. Vietnam fascinates me thanks to its nature and culture. Everything in the country has become an endless source of inspiration for me and my art. Wherever I go in Vietnam, I gain a great sense of emotion and inspiration. I intend to open my own private exhibition on trees. Of course, I will go to more regions around the country to encounter many more trees.

Reporter: Thank you very much for your interview!

Source: Nhan Dan Online