Homecoming ceremony for women’s football squad after historic World Cup ticket

Homecoming ceremony for women’s football squad after historic World Cup ticket

Members of the national women’s football team received a warm welcome at Noi Bai Airport on the morning of February 10 after winning a ticket to the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.

The footballers returned home in celebration after a difficult but glorious journey to win qualification for the World Cup.

The team arrived home from India aboard a Bamboo Airways aircraft.

A team member carries a congratulatory bouquet of flowers and waves after arriving at the airport.

The women football players received a warm welcome at the airport.

The players entering the VIP area of Noi Bai Airport.

Coach Mai Duc Chung was moved at the warm reception for the team.

Captain Huynh Nhu delivering a thank-you speech.

All the members of Vietnam’s national women’s football team.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is expected to meet the team later the same day.

Source: Nhan Dan Online