Ho Chi Minh City residents urged to remain cautious despite falling cases

Ho Chi Minh City residents urged to remain cautious despite falling cases

Ho Chi Minh City residents have been asked not to be complacent about the improving coronavirus situation in the city, which has seen a drop in new cases, hospitalisations and deaths in recent days.

The municipal COVID-19 taskforce urged residents to continue following the 5K rules, including wearing masks and maintaining distance, and to get vaccinated to protect the achieved result.

Such measures should be stepped up amid the approaching Lunar New Year when contact between people becomes closer and more frequent.

According to Ho Chi Minh City’s health department, the bed utilisation rates at field hospitals are currently around 10-30%.

In order for health workers to recover, the department has decided to temporarily close four field hospitals. However, they can be re-activated within 24 hours if there is a surge of new infections.

With regards to school reopening, the city’s education department is planning to allow students from the first grade to the sixth grade to return to school after the Lunar New Year break on the voluntary consent of their parents.

If their parents do not agree with the plan, students will continue learning online or through television.

Source: Nhan Dan Online