Hau Giang Province launches automated public services call centre

The Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang has established a public service centre and launched a call centre capable of automatically answering questions about public services in the province.

Viettel Hau Giang Director Nguyen Truong Giang said this is the first province in Vietnam to employ artificial intelligence in order to provide such a service.

The automated call centre will provide people and enterprises with necessary information such as the required papers, processing agencies, processing times and fees, before they proceed with public services, helping save cost and time.

Giang said the call centre is completely automated, operates around the clock and can handle 6,000 calls at one time.

Speaking at the launch ceremony on April 8, Hau Giang Chairman Dong Van Thanh said the establishment of the automated call centre reflects the province’s determination to create breakthroughs in administrative reform and a favourable environment to attract investment.

The public service centre and automated call centre are expected to help Hau Giang Province provide public services in the shortest time possible and in a more professional manner.

Source: Nhan Dan Online