Hanoi to set off fireworks at three locations to greet New Year 2021

The Hanoi municipal People’s Committee issued Official Letter No. 5855/UBND-KGVX dated December 24, 2020 regarding a fireworks display in the city to welcome the upcoming New Year 2021.

Aiming to create a joyful and exciting atmosphere amongst the people of the capital and foreign residents alike wo may bestudying or working in Hanoi on the occasion of New Year’s Eve 2021; under the permission of the Prime Minister, the Standing board of municipal Party Committee; Hanoi municipal People’s Committee will hold a fireworks display in the city to welcome the new year.

Accordingly, the high-altitude fireworks will last for 15 minutes (from 0:00 on January 1, 2021) in the areas of Hoan Kiem Lake (Hoan Kiem district), Thong Nhat Park (Hai Ba Trung district), My Dinh (Nam Tu Liem district).

In order to ensure the safety of the fireworks, the municipal People’s Committee assigned the Hanoi Capital High Command to preside over and urgently coordinate with the Department of Culture and Sports, the People’s Committees of Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung, Nam Tu Liem districts and related units to formulate and deploy a firework display plan to serve the people in welcoming 2021 according to regulation at the above locations.

The municipal People’s Committee assigned the People’s Committees of Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung, and Nam Tu Liemdistricts to mobilise funds for the legal socialisation of organisations and individuals to sponsor fireworks, ensure compliance with regulations and coordinate with the Hanoi Capital High Command and related units to organise the fireworks displays to be as fantastic as possible.

Source: Nhan Dan Online