Hanoi strives to become a regional creative hub

A high-level seminar was held jointly by the Hanoi municipal People’s Committee and the UNESCO Office in Vietnam on October 2, proposing initiatives towards the development of “Hanoi – a Creative City”.

The event was attended by Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi municipal Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue.

At the event, he affirmed that following many years of expansion, Hanoi has now a population of nearly 10 million.

The strong integration process and the development of international cooperation with over 100 major capitals and cities around the world have improved Hanoi’s position and strength in the international arena, creating momentum for its sustainable and rapid development, added Politburo member Hue.

He also noted that the seminar aimed to receive input from domestic and foreign experts, embassies, investors and enterprises on initiatives to support Hanoi in defining and developing long-term strategies and plans to effectively promoteits role as a creative city as recognised by the UNESCO.

The capital city’s Party leader expressed his hope that the delegates would enthusiastically contribute their ideas to Hanoi’s specific action plans, making it become the creative hub of the region.

For his part, Chief Representative of the UNESCO Office in Viet Nam Michael Croft said that with the title of “Creative City”, Hanoi has reaffirmed its commitment to people-centered development.

Deputy Foreign Minister Le Hoai Trung also said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnam’s National UNESCO Committee have joined hands with Hanoi in promoting the title of “Creative City” as well as developing specific plans and mobilising the participation of many agencies and organisations in the society for its future development.

Source: Nhan Dan Online