Hanoi gets ready to welcome students back to school

 Hanoi has made plans to welcome students back to school from March 2, after 14 days without any new COVID-19 infections in the capital city.

At an online meeting of the Hanoi Steering Committee for COVID-19 Response on February 26, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Chu Xuan Dung said the Hanoi Department of Education and Training had a written report, asking for the direction from the Hanoi authorities and the Ministry of Education and Training regarding the correct time to welcome back students.

The Hanoi People’s Committee requested the Hanoi Department of Education and Training develop detailed instructions for schools on medical declarations for students when returning to Hanoi from other localities as well as implementing COVID-19 preventative measures in schools.

This weekend, schools were asked to disinfect their campuses and prepare materials for the epidemic prevention, in addition to having a clear approach to managing students.

In the coming days, the capital city will relax its social distancing measures to help resume normal activities, but will continuously control, inspect and strictly handle violations of epidemic preventive measures.

On February 26, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City said it has requested educational units and institutions to build and organise the implementation of plans for epidemic prevention and control in accordance with current best practice, while regularly updating guidance at all levels for timely and effective implementation in each specific period.

The department also requires all officers, teachers and students to make a serious and honest medical report upon returning to school from early March, while organising additional medical declarations for inward travel to Ho Chi Minh City during the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

Many other provinces and cities have been actively implementing measures to help students return to school after the epidemic is once again under control. Hung Yen and Ba Ria – Vung Tau provinces are the latest to announce the date for students returning to school, starting from March 1.

On February 26, the An Giang Provincial People’s Committee approved a policy of supporting medical masks and hand sanitiser solution for disadvantaged Vietnamese-Khmer people in Cambodia. The Provincial People’s Committee assigned the Department of Health to assume prime responsibility and coordinate with the relevant agencies and the Khmer-Vietnam Association in Cambodia for effective implementation.

On the same day, Hai Phong city instructed its Department of Health to urgently coordinate with the city’s Military Command and local authorities to organise free COVID-19 tests for 2,717 eligible Hai Phong citizens to join the military service, with the test results arriving before March 1. At the same time, the People’s Committee of Hai Phong City requested the Department of Information and Communications strengthen its guidance on techniques and technologies to control medical declarations with QRCODE codes at COVID-19 control posts and public places, aimed at more effective and safe medical declarations.

Also on February 26, field hospital no. 3 (at Sao Do University campus no. 2) in Chi Linh city, Hai Duong province officially received its first COVID-19 patients for treatment. The hospital will accept all patients transferred from Hai Duong’s field hospital no. 1 so that the latter will return to its normal medical examination and treatment activities for more than 170,000 people in Chi Linh.

Source: Nhan Dan Online