First contemporary art museum in Vietnam debuts

 The Flamingo Contemporary Art Museum (FCAM), the first of its kind in Vietnam, officially made its debut and commenced operations on December 26, open to visitors from 9am to 5pm every day.

FCAM currently features two display areas, outdoor and indoor. The outdoor section showcases 56 sculptures along with sculptures incorporating installation art of various sizes, weights and materials. These works are scattered across the Flamingo Dai Lai Resort complex in the northern province of Vinh Phuc.

The indoor section includes a cluster of containers in the four-hectare pine forest campus, introducing 70 paintings, small sculptures and installation artworks. The works of art displayed in containers are also very diverse in their use of materials, from lacquer, oil paint, acrylic, silk, wood and stone to synthetic materials.

An artistic display corner in a container at FCAM.

Especially, FCAM not only features works of domestic artists but also of artists from more than 10 countries around the world, including the Republic of Korea, Japan, the United States, Nepal, Italy, Spain and Singapore.

FCAM is the result of the Art in the Forest project, which has been sponsored by Flamingo Holding Group for many years. After a period of preparation, work started on the project in 2016, with international sculpture, painting, and contemporary art camps held annually alongside other art collection programmes.

An outdoor installation art and sculpture work at FCAM.

The two display areas are just the initial step for FCAM. The museum’s management board is outlining more specific plans for the next moves, including the expansion and upgrade of the display spaces.

“We are clearly aware of limitations from displaying arts works in containers. Due to the impact of natural light through glass walls and the limited space, it is still unlikely that certain arts forms such as installation art and video art will be exhibited. These shortcomings will soon be addressed in FCAM’s next steps,” said Tran Diep, a representative of the museum’s management board.

Source: Nhan Dan Online